Nacera® Hybrid

High Performance Hybrid Ceramic for permanent restorations.

Nacera® Hybrid is the new CAD/CAM material for chairside or labside milling machines. It is a high performance hybrid ceramic that can be used for aesthetic longterm temporaries or permanent restorations. Since Nacera® Hybrid is like the finest ceramics, it perfectly replicates precise shade matching with a unique translucency and chameleon effect for a lifelike appearance of natural teeth. Nacera® Hybrid comes in Blocks and Discs which can be processed according to your requirements: You create crowns, bridges up to 3 units and inlays, onlays and veneers since there is no firing process required.
Yes: You will gonna be fast and efficient – with Nacera® Hybrid.

50 % Nano-Glass meets 50 % Polymer-Matrix

The outstanding mechanical properties of Nacera® Hybrid are the result of controlled, stress-free thermal curing. The composition of nano-glass and reinforcing polymer- matrix make Nacera® Hybrid the ideal material for permanent restorations. The 100 % sinalized glass is permanently integrated into the polymer-matrix for a long shine and discoloration free restoration.


The modulus of elasticity reduces stress peaks during chewing, resulting in decreased risk of material fatigue or fractures. Due to its shock-absorbing effect, it is the right choice for implant restorations and provides a pleasant bite-feeling.


Nacera® Hybrid blends in extremely well and conveys natural aesthetics – a broad spectrum of shades in the anterior and posterior regions. After machining Nacera®Hybrid shows an extremely homogeneous surface structure. The restoration can therefore be polished to a high gloss very quickly. Plus: Easy repolishing, for example during prophylaxis, is possible at any time if required.

Benefit                                                           suitable for :

  • Lifelike aesthetic characteristics                                                          •  Sirona Serec MC
  • No firing process required                                                                  •  Roland DWX-4W
  • Quick and exceptional grinding at a high precision                               •  Roland dWX-51W
  • Effortless polishing for fast shine                                                        •  Imes-Icore
  • Can be modified and repaired with conventional composite                   •  VHF


  • Physical properties
    Flexural Strength 175 MPa
    Compressive Strength 490 MPa
    Modulus of Elasticity 9900 MPa
    Vickers Hardness HV 10 700 MPa
  • Manual and Data Sheetsadd
    Instructions for use Nacera® Hybrid
    Technical data sheet Nacera® Hybrid
    Safety data sheet Nacera® Hybrid