Nacera® Zirkonia

We believe less is more, and productivity is getting it right the first time. That’s why our experts created a natural-looking Zirconia Concept offering enamel-like Translucency from one, Full Strength Zirconia, for both Anterior and Posterior regions, and fast, One-Bake ceramic pastes.Increase productivity, esthetics, and profitability, without sacrificing strength and consistency.

Nacera® Pearl Q3 Multi-Shade

Your ergonomic system to achieve the most common shades.

Nacera® Pearl Shaded 16+2

Highly translucent zirconium oxide shaded in all 16 Vita* …

Nacera® Pearl Multi-Shade

Smooth, lifelike transitions within the restoration.

Nacera® Pearl 1

Nacera® Pearl for fully anatomic restoration work.

Nacera® Shell

Nacera® Shell is a reliable material suitable for all open CAD/CAM systems.